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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 27 | Oedipodiaceae

1. Oedipodium Schwägrichen, Sp. Musc. Frond. Suppl. 2(1,1): 15. 1823.

[Greek oidema, swelling or tumor, and Latin podium, platform, alluding to capsule neck]

Stems of nearly uniform, thin-walled cells. Leaves soft and fleshy when moist, somewhat shrunken when dry, 2-3 mm. Brood bodies light-green, stalked, triangular-discoid, up to 300 µm across, with growing points at either side. Capsule brown or red-brown, urn 1-1.2(-2) mm; exothecial cells irregularly hexagonal with thick brown walls, broader than long in 3-8 rows at the mouth, the cells of the neck longer and wider with pale, thin walls. Spores 30-38 µm, papillae small, blunt, club-shaped.

Species 1: North America, s South America, Eurasia, Atlantic Islands.

Lower Taxon


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