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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

143. Colutea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 723. 1753.

鱼鳔槐属 yu biao huai shu

Authors: Hang Sun & Kai Larsen

Shrubs or small shrubs. Leaves imparipinnate, rarely 3-foliolate; stipules small; leaflets entire, opposite, estipellate. Racemes axillary, long pedunculate; bract and bracteoles very small or absent. Calyx campanulate; teeth 5, subequal or upper 2 smaller, out­side pubescent. Corolla yellow or brownish red; standard suborbicular, upper part of stalk bicallose; wings narrowly falcate-oblong, with short stalk; keel broad, mostly inrolled, blunt at apex, with long connate stalk. Stamens diadelphous, upper 1 free, other 9 connate to tube; anthers homomorphic. Ovary stipitate; ovules numerous; style incurved, barbate along upper ventral suture; stigma inrolled or hook-curved. Legume inflated, bladderlike, acute or tapering at apex, indehiscent or tip 2-valvate, with long stalk at base, segments membranous. Seeds numerous, reniform, without strophiole; funicle filiform.

About 28 species: E and NE Africa, C and SW Asia, S Europe; four species (one endemic, two introduced) in China.

1 Leaflets 19-25; racemes 8-14(-31)-flowered.   4 C. delavayi
+ Leaflets 7-13; racemes 3-8-flowered   (2)
2 (1) Annual branches (excluding young tips) glabrous to subglabrate, bark of branchlets thinly papery, longitudinally split; flowers to 2.4 cm; ovary densely white pubescent.   1 C. nepalensis
+ Annual branches villosulous, bark of branchlets not split; flowers shorter than 1.8 cm; ovary sparsely pubescent   (3)
3 (2) Corolla yellow, wings with lower part wide, upper part gradually narrowed, without teeth, keel triangular-suborbicular auriculate, auricle intersecting stalk at an acute angle.   2 C. arborescens
+ Corolla orange-yellow to reddish brown, wings with upper and lower parts subequal, lower part with 1 or 2 teeth, keel oblong auriculate, auricle parallel to stalk.   3 C. ×media

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