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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 8 | Crassulaceae

7. Pseudosedum (Boissier) A. Berger in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2. 18a: 465. 1930.

合景天属 he jing tian shu

Umbilicus de Candolle sect. Pseudosedum Boissier, Fl. Orient. 2: 775. 1872-1873.

Herbs perennial, glabrous. Roots cordlike to tuberous. Root crown with a few triangular, small, membranous leaves. Leaves alternate, oblong to linear, terete, fleshy. Flowering stems annual, simple, erect or ascending, densely leafy, old stems sometimes persisting. Stem leaves alternate. Inflorescence terminal, a group of predominantly scorpioid cymes, usually corymbiform, many flowered. Flowers bisexual, 5- or 6-merous. Sepals subconnate at base. Corolla reddish and drying golden yellow, or white, funnelform to campanulate; lobes connate nearly to middle. Stamens 2 × as many as petals. Carpels erect. Styles slender. Follicles erect, lanceolate, many seeded. Seeds mostly oblong.

Ten species: C Asia; two species in China.

1 Petals white, 5-6 mm   1 P. affine
+ Petals reddish, golden yellow when dry, to 3 mm   2 P. lievenii

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