Flora Resources
*Flora of China: a complete family list
*Flora of China: Checklist
*Flora of China: Web
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
Chinese names and Pinyin transliterations
Citing eFloras.org
Copyright Information
Hu Card Index
interactive identification keys (DELTA and NaviKey)
Interactive Key to Families of Chinese Angiosperms by Xiangying Wen
Pteridophytes (Lycophytes and Ferns)
Acknowledgments (PDF)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 10)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 19)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 20-21)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 23)
Introduction (PDF)
Preface (Vol. 11)
Preface (Vol. 12)
Preface (Vol. 13)
Preface (Vol. 25)
Preface (Vol. 7)
Systematic list of tribes and genera (Poaceae)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 12)
Fabaceae introduction
Family Authors (Vol. 19)
Family Authors (Vol. 20-21)
Glossary of botanical terms used in the Poaceae
History (PDF)
In Memoriam: Dr. William Tai
Introduction (Vol. 11)
Introduction (Vol. 25)
Introduction (Vol. 7)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 11)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 25)
Acknowledgments (Vol. 7)
Corrigenda (Vol. 23)
Dedication (PDF)
Family authors (Vol. 10)
Family Index
Family Index
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 12)
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 13)
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 22)
Numbers of Taxa and Endemic Taxa in the Flora of China
Authors and Illustrators of the Flora of China
Family Authors (PDF)
Family Authors (Vol. 11)
Family Authors (Vol. 12)
Family Authors (Vol. 23)
Family Authors (Vol. 7)
Financial Support (Vol. 10)
Financial Support (Vol. 19)
Financial Support (Vol. 20-21)
Financial Support (Vol. 25)
In Memoriam: Dr. Guanghua Zhu
Infrageneric classification of Begonia
Comparison of Classifications in the Flora of China, the Flora Reipublicae Popularis
Sinicae, and Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III
Family Authors (Vol. 13)
Family Index
Family Index
Family Index (PDF)
Frontispiece (Vol. 25)
Introduction (Vol. 19)
Introduction (Vol. 20-21)
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 11)
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 7)
Financial Support (PDF)
Financial Support (Vol. 23)
Introduction (Vol. 10)
Names of New Taxa Published Since, or Overlooked in, the Flora of China
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 19)
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 20-21)
Orchidaceae Introduction (Vol. 25)
Introduction (PDF)
Introduction (Vol. 23)
Nomenclatural novelties (Vol. 10)
Preface (Vol. 19)
Preface (Vol. 20-21)
Asteraceae Introduction (Vol. 20-21)
Family Index
List of Nomenclatural Novelties Published in the Flora of China
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 23)
Preface (PDF)
Preface (Vol. 10)
Authors and Addresses (PDF)
Index to Accepted Chinese Names of Genera, Tribes, Subfamilies, and Families
List of Subfamilies and Genera (Vol. 25)
Preface (Vol. 23)
Systematic list (Vol. 10)
Glossary of Botanical Terms Used in this Volume (PDF)
Index to Accepted Pinyin Names of Genera, Tribes, Subfamilies, and Families
Index to Accepted Scientific Names of Genera, Tribes, Subfamilies, and Families
Nomenclatural Novelties (Vol. 25)
Systematic List of Families, Subfamilies, and Genera (PDF)
Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae
Family Authors (Vol. 25)
Glossary (Vol. 25)