11. Arivela Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 110. 1838.
Spiderflower [Origin obscure]
Gordon C. Tucker
Herbs, annual. Stems sparsely branched [unbranched]; glandular-hirsute [glabrous]. Leaves: stipules absent; petiole with pulvinus basally or distally (petiolule base adnate, forming pulvinar disc); leaflets 3 or 5. Inflorescences terminal or axillary (from distal leaves), racemes (flat-topped or elongated); bracts present [absent]. Flowers: zygomorphic; sepals persistent, distinct, equal; petals equal; stamens 14-25[-35]; filaments inserted on a discoid or conical androgynophore, glandular-hirsute; anthers (oblong), coiling as pollen is released; gynophore obsolete. Fruits capsules, partly dehiscent, oblong, (glandular). Seeds [10-]25-40[-100], spheroidal, not arillate, (cleft fused between ends). x = 10.
Species ca. 10 (1 in the flora): introduced; Asia, Africa.
Lower Taxon
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