1. Jaegerina Müller Hal., Linnaea. 40: 273. 1876. • [For August Jaeger, 1842-1877, Swiss bryologist].
Angela E. Newton
Jaegerinopsis Brotherus
Plants 1-5 cm, yellowish, shiny. Stems with short stipelike basal region, simple or sparsely branched. Stem leaves not seriate, similar when dry or moist, spreading to recurved or squarrose [erect], broadly ovate-orbicular [to ovate-lanceolate], weakly plicate; base not auriculate or decurrent; margins plane; costa double and short, 2-fid, or single to mid leaf or longer; alar cells little differentiated, quadrate; medial laminal cells sinuate, smooth, walls porose. Branch leaves when present similar to stem leaves. [Seta 0.4-0.5 cm. Capsule cylindric; operculum conic, long-rostrate. Calyptra partly covering capsule, rough with projecting cell ends, naked].
Species 12 (1 in the flora): se United States, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, n South America, Asia, Africa.
Lower Taxon
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