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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 26 | Orchidaceae

59. Oeceoclades Lindley, Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 18: plate 1522. 1832.

[Greek oikeios, of a household (Latin oeceos), and Latin clades, destruction, possibly alluding to breaking up of existing classification]

Roger L. Hammer

Herbs, terrestrial (rarely on rocks or epiphytic), erect. Stems modified into pseudobulbs, often densely congested, concealed by overlapping fibrous sheaths, 1[–3]-leaved. Leaves persistent; blade not imbricate or plicate, usually leathery, often patterned. Inflorescences lateral, arising from base of pseudobulb, racemes or panicles, erect. Flowers resupinate, inconspicuous; sepals and petals distinct and free, spreading; lip deeply 3-lobed, base spurred; column erect, curved, produced into conspicuous foot, oblique at base; anther terminal, operculate; pollinia 2, with short or aborted caudicles attached directly to viscidium. Fruits capsules.

Species 31 (1 in the flora): tropical regions, North America, West Indies, Central America, South America, Africa (including Madagascar, the Mascarene Islands, and the Seychelles).


Garay, L. A. and P. Taylor. 1976. The genus Oeceoclades Lindl. Bot. Mus. Leafl. 24: 249–274.

Lower Taxon


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