1. Pleuroziopsis Kindberg ex E. Britton, Bryologist. 9: 39. 1906. • [Genus Pleurozium and Greek -opsis, resembling].
Climacium sect. Girgensohnia Lindberg, Contr. Fl. Crypt. As., 249. 1873, not Girgensohnia Bunge ex Fenzl 1851 [Chenopodiaceae]
Plants 4-8 cm. Stems with secondary stems and branches red, branchlets green or red; rhizoids matted on primary stems. Stem leaves 3-4 × 1.5-2.5 mm; margins plane, entire; costa single, weak, ending mid leaf, smooth; laminal cells smooth or minutely prorulose, walls not pitted or pits not evident. Proximal branch leaves similar, smaller; median branchlet leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-1 × 0.3-0.5 mm; costa strong, ending before apex, abaxial surface usually toothed; laminal cells smooth or minutely prorulose by projecting cell ends, walls not pitted or pits not evident. Seta orange to red, 1.5 cm, twisted. Capsule single, 3 × 1 mm, smooth; annulus absent; operculum unknown; endostome as long as exostome. Spores sometimes germinating inside capsule.
Species 1: w North America, e Asia.
Girgensohnia (Lindberg) Kindberg 1896, not Bunge ex Fenzl 1851 [Chenopodiaceae], has been used for this taxon. The operculum of Pleuroziopsis is unknown in the flora area, but has been reported as long-conic and almost rostrate.