1 |
Herbs, annual, except S. calycosa subsp. rhizomata |
(2) |
+ |
Herbs, perennial, or subshrubs |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Cauline leaf blades: lobes of mid and distal usually apically 2–5-toothed, linear to obovate; stems bristly-hairy, hairs erect; mericarps usually glabrous, mucro absent |
(3) |
+ |
Cauline leaf blades: lobes of mid and distal entire, not apically 2–5-toothed, lobes linear to linear-elliptic or oblanceolate-obtuse; stems usually glabrate at least proximally; mericarps glabrous or sparsely puberulent, mucro present |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Stipules at mid and distal nodes divided into 2–5 filiform or linear segments, subequal to or longer than calyx, becoming involucrelike; distal cauline leaves: blades 5–7-lobed, lobes linear, sometimes 3-toothed, mid tooth longer than laterals, or lobe margins entire; calyces seldom glandular; mericarps without bristles. |
8 Sidalcea diploscypha |
+ |
Stipules and mid and distal nodes linear-filiform, rarely divided, usually much shorter than calyx, not involucrelike; distal cauline leaves: blades 3-lobed, lobes obovate, apically 2–5-toothed, teeth subequal; calyces usually glandular; mericarps usually with 1–5 minute proximal apical bristles. |
17 Sidalcea keckii |
4 (2) |
Stamens: outer filaments distally distinct, anthers not attached to connate portion of filaments; mericarps reticulate-veined on back, deeply pitted especially on top, glabrous or glandular-puberulent; calyces 8–10(–12) mm. |
12. Sidalcea hartwegii |
+ |
Stamens: outer filaments connate to apex, staminal column funnel-like with continuous rim to which the unstalked anthers attach; mericarps glabrous or puberulent, longitudinally grooved or reticulate-veined; calyces 4–12 mm |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Stems glabrous or sparsely stellate-hairy; plants annual or perennial; bracts ovate to wide-elliptic, 2–5 mm wide; mericarps glabrous, longitudinally grooved; calyces stellate-puberulent and strigose-bristly. |
22 Sidalcea calycosa |
+ |
Stems usually densely bristly-hairy distally, rarely glabrescent; plants annual; bracts linear, to 2 mm wide; mericarps puberulent, reticulate-veined, pitted; calyces prominently tawny-hirsute and densely stellate-canescent. |
15 Sidalcea hirsuta |
6 (1) |
Mericarps: mucro absent; involucellar bractlets (0 or)1–3; leaves evenly arrayed on stem throughout season, blades all similar in shape |
(7) |
+ |
Mericarps: mucro present; involucellar bractlets absent; leaves not evenly arrayed, often proximally crowded at least early in season or not (S. gigantea), sometimes rosettelike, proximal and distal blades usually dissimilar |
(9) |
7 (6) |
Involucellar bractlets (0–)1–2; petals white or purple-tinged; leaf blades lobed, maplelike; plants (0.4–)0.8–1.5(–2) m. |
18 Sidalcea malachroides |
+ |
Involucellar bractlets (2)3; petals usually pale pink to pink-lavender, rarely white; leaves unlobed or lobed, but not maplelike; plants 0.1–0.5(–0.8) m |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Inflorescences usually open or spiciform, sometimes dense early; bracts: proximalmost not involucrelike; stipule width sometimes, but not obviously, exceeding stem diam.; leaf blades orbiculate to flabelliform, unlobed or lobed, base truncate or cordate; widely scattered, local in California but not in Sierra Nevada, also in sw Oregon. |
14 Sidalcea hickmanii |
+ |
Inflorescences ± dense, capitate; bracts: proximalmost involucrelike; stipule width exceeding stem diam.; leaf blades ovate to elliptic, unlobed, base cordate; local in n Sierra Nevada, Nevada County, California. |
30 Sidalcea stipularis |
9 (6) |
Plants (0.8–)2(–2.5) m, usually in colonies, rhizomes (6–)10 mm diam., with reflexed, appressed bristle hairs; stems erect proximally, hollow, densely bristly, bristles reflexed; high Cascades and high Sierra Nevada, California. |
10 Sidalcea gigantea |
+ |
Plants (0.1–)0.5–1(–2) m, seldom in colonies, without rhizomes or rhizomes usually 3–10 mm diam., hairs usually erect, retrorse or appressed, simple or stellate or glabrescent, sometimes glabrous; stems erect, sprawling, or ascending to decumbent, proximally usually solid, seldom hollow, hairy, hairs sometimes bristlelike; widespread |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Inflorescences dense, subcapitate or spiciform, not 1-sided; calyces usually overlapping others in flower, sometimes in fruit |
(11) |
+ |
Inflorescences usually ± open, sometimes dense, sometimes 1-sided; calyces usually not conspicuously overlapping others in flower or in fruit |
(19) |
11 (10) |
Mericarps smooth, slightly reticulate-veined, or pitted (sometimes slightly wrinkled); inflorescences continuous (flowers sometimes clustered but not regularly interrupted), usually dense in flower, sometimes elongating in fruit; rhizomes present or not |
(12) |
+ |
Mericarps usually reticulate-veined, sometimes pitted; inflorescences dense in flower, elongated or interrupted in fruit; rhizomes or rooting stems sometimes present |
(15) |
12 (11) |
Petals white to pale pinkish, drying yellowish, 10–20 mm; rhizomes present; herbage glabrous, hirsute, puberulent, or stellate-hairy. |
4 Sidalcea candida |
+ |
Petals pale pink, pinkish rose, pink, or pinkish lavender, dark rose-pink, or magenta, not drying yellowish, (5–)10–15(–23) mm; rhizomes present or not; herbage hairy |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Rhizomes absent; inflorescences unbranched or branched, flowers opening and closing sequentially from base to apex, usually 3–10 open at same time; stems usually solid; calyx lobes not strongly veined, usually green; widespread in w North America. |
23 Sidalcea oregana (in part) |
+ |
Rhizomes present; inflorescences branched, most flowers usually open at same time; stems usually hollow proximally; calyx lobes strongly veined, usually purplish; inland w Oregon and immediate coast from Oregon to Alaska |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Mericarps 3 mm, apical margins ± rounded, mucro 0.5–1 mm; calyces usually stellate-puberulent, sometimes glabrate; inland. |
7 Sidalcea cusickii |
+ |
Mericarps 4 mm, apical margins sharp-edged, not winged, mucro 0.8–1.3 mm; calyces stellate-hairy or proximally glabrous; coastal marshes. |
13 Sidalcea hendersonii |
15 (11) |
Plants without rhizomes, stems not proximally rooting; stems single or multiple, clustered, not rooting; petals not notably whitish- or pale-veined |
(16) |
+ |
Plants with rhizomes or stems proximally rooting; stems usually scattered, not clustered; petals usually whitish- or pale-veined |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Calyces 3.5–10 mm in flower and fruit, usually uniformly stellate-puberulent, sometimes also with bristles; inflorescences spicate, 10–30 cm. |
23 Sidalcea oregana (in part) |
+ |
Calyces 5–9 mm, to 10 mm in fruit, stellate-hairy and bristly; inflorescences subcapitate or spicate, 3–7(–10) cm. |
28 Sidalcea setosa |
17 (15) |
Inflorescences interrupted, rachis exposed between flower clusters; inland mountains in Kern and Tulare counties, California. |
25 Sidalcea ranunculacea |
18 |
Stems erect; inflorescences usually long-pedunculate; plants usually in colonies, with cordlike rhizomes; stems coarsely bristly; calyces 11–16 mm in fruit; nw Oregon, sw Washington. |
16 Sidalcea hirtipes |
+ |
Stems decumbent to suberect; inflorescences not long-pedunculate; plants in colonies or not, stem bases usually rooting or with compact rhizomes but without cordlike rhizomes; stems often soft-bristly; calyces 8–11(–13) mm in fruit; California, sw Oregon. |
19 Sidalcea malviflora (in part) |
19 (10) |
Mericarps usually glabrous or glandular-puberulent; stems erect, proximally stellate-hairy, distally glabrous, glaucous; inflorescences 30–40(–45) cm; Butte County, California. |
27 Sidalcea robusta |
+ |
Mericarps glabrous or puberulent; stems erect, decumbent, sprawling, prostrate, or ascending, glabrous or hairy, glaucous; inflorescences 2–20(–45) cm; not limited to Butte County, California |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Mericarps usually not, sometimes slightly, reticulate-veined or pitted, usually glabrous, rarely sparsely glandular-puberulent; without rhizomes |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Basal leaves deeply incised, lobes again incised, segments linear to oblong-elliptic; cauline leaves 1–3; stems usually unbranched (plants nearly scapose); inflorescences much elongated in fruit; San Bernardino County, California. |
24 Sidalcea pedata |
+ |
Basal leaves absent or unlobed or shallowly lobed; cauline leaves usually 3+; stems often branched (plants usually not appearing to be scapose); inflorescences usually somewhat elongated in fruit; not restricted to San Bernardino County, California |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Roots fleshy; plants usually with nonwoody taproot and fleshy roots; calyces sparsely hirsute, hairs pustulose and sometimes stellate, surface not obscured. |
22 Sidalcea neomexicana (in part) |
+ |
Roots not fleshy; plants with fibrous or woody caudex or taproot; calyces densely stellate-puberulent and sometimes with nonpustulose bristles, surface sometimes obscured. |
23 Sidalcea oregana (in part) |
23 |
Roots not fleshy; rhizomes and caudices present or absent; stems single or clustered or scattered; inflorescences 2–30+-flowered; usually not alkaline flats |
(25) |
24 |
Leaves mostly basal; blades of basal leaves glaucous, 5–7-lobed, deeply incised; calyces stellate-puberulent, without pustulose bristles; e of Sierra Nevada, Inyo County, California. |
6 Sidalcea covillei |
+ |
Leaves basal and cauline; blades of basal leaves glaucous or not, unlobed or 5(–9)-lobed, shallowly incised; calyces stellate-puberulent and with pustulose bristles; widespread. |
22 Sidalcea neomexicana (in part) |
25 (23) |
Inflorescences usually 30+-flowered, 5–20(–30) in S. virgata, loosely or densely spiciform, usually branched, usually not 1-sided; petals of bisexual flowers 5–15(–30) mm; stems usually erect, sometimes proximally decumbent |
(26) |
+ |
Inflorescences usually 2–10(–30)-flowered, usually racemose, sometimes spiciform, branched or not, 1-sided or not; petals of bisexual flowers (5–)10–33 mm; stems erect, ascending to decumbent, sprawling, or nearly prostrate |
(29) |
26 (25) |
Stems erect, decumbent-ascending, or trailing; plants 0.3–0.6(–0.8) m, with rhizomes and taproot; stems proximally hairy, hairs usually soft, tangled, and stellate; inflorescences: proximalmost 1 or 2 flowers usually leafy-bracted. |
31 Sidalcea virgata |
+ |
Stems erect; plants (0.3–)1–2 m, with rhizomes or not; stems proximally hairy, hairs simple or stellate, not soft or tangled; inflorescences: proximalmost 1 or 2 flowers not leafy-bracted |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Plants 0.5–2 m; petals nearly white to pale pink or pale lavender, usually not overlapping; calyces 8–10 mm in fruit. |
3 Sidalcea campestris |
+ |
Plants 0.3–1.5 m; petals pink, pinkish purple, pink-purple, purplish rose, or magenta, usually overlapping, sometimes not in S. nelsoniana; calyces 3.5–10 mm in fruit |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Calyces 4–6 mm, lobes usually purple-tinged; plants with rhizomes; mericarps finely reticulate to faintly rugose or nearly smooth; stems glabrous or sparsely hirtellous; primarily Willamette Valley of Oregon, and sw Washington. |
21 Sidalcea nelsoniana |
+ |
Calyces 3.5–10 mm, lobes green; plants without rhizomes; mericarps usually slightly reticulate-veined or pitted; stems usually stellate-hairy, sometimes sparsely so; widespread, usually s, e and ne of Willamette Valley. |
23 Sidalcea oregana (in part) |
29 (25) |
Plants glaucous, without rhizomes; stems not freely rooting, proximally glabrous or hairy, hairs stellate; calyces uniformly stellate-puberulent; frequently at elevations above 2000 m (900–3000 m) |
(30) |
+ |
Plants seldom glaucous, with or without rhizomes; stems freely rooting or not, proximally hairy, hairs simple and stellate; calyces stellate-puberulent, usually bristly; usually at elevations below 2000 m (0–2700 m) |
(31) |
30 (29) |
Stems usually sprawling or decumbent to ascending, rarely erect; basal leaves 9 or fewer or deciduous, blades usually 5(–7)-lobed, lobes dentate or entire; California, n, c high Sierra Nevada, nw to the Cascades and Klamath ranges and e to Washoe County, Nevada. |
11 Sidalcea glaucescens |
+ |
Stems usually erect or ascending; basal leaves 10+, persistent, blades usually (5–)7–9-lobed, lobes pinnately or ternately lobed; California, high Sierra Nevada, e to Nevada. |
20 Sidalcea multifida |
31 (29) |
Stems ascending-decumbent or creeping, freely rooting, usually proximally hairy, rarely glabrate, hairs simple, 2–3 mm, distally ± stellate-puberulent; leaf blade surfaces hairy, hairs simple; mericarps densely stellate-puberulent apically, on back, and on mucro. |
26 Sidalcea reptans |
+ |
Stems usually erect to ascending, sometimes prostrate or sprawling to decumbent and rooting or not, proximally hairy, hairs simple, stellate, or mixed; leaf blade surfaces hairy, hairs stellate or not; mericarps sparsely stellate-puberulent or glandular-puberulent apically, on back, and/or on mucro |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Leaves mostly basal, cauline usually to 5 and distally smaller, plants sometimes appearing scapose; inflorescences 10+-flowered, (15–)30–45 cm; mericarps slightly to moderately reticulate-veined and pitted. |
29 Sidalcea sparsifolia |
+ |
Leaves mostly cauline, sometimes clustered at base, distally smaller or not; inflorescences 2–10(–30)-flowered, 2–30(–40) cm; mericarps usually strongly reticulate-veined, roughened, pitted or honeycomb-pitted |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Calyces usually both stellate-hairy and bristly-hairy, if bristles absent, some stellate hairs larger; plants not glaucous; leaf blades unlobed or lobed; usually coastal, sometimes inland, seldom on serpentine. |
19 Sidalcea malviflora (in part) |
34 |
Rhizomes absent or present, 4–6 mm diam., freely rooting or not; inflorescences usually erect; stems usually erect |
(36) |
35 |
Stems proximally usually hairy, sometimes glabrate, hairs coarse, stellate; stems not especially brittle; n high Sierra Nevada, Cascade Ranges, high North Coast Ranges, Klamath Ranges, California to sw Oregon. |
1 Sidalcea asprella (in part) |
+ |
Stems proximally hairy or glabrate, hairs soft, simple and stellate; stems distally brittle; Klamath Ranges, nw California, sw Oregon. |
9 Sidalcea elegans |
36 (34) |
Plants with or without caudex, usually with rooting rootstocks or rhizomes; stems sometimes sprawling, supported by other plants, proximally hairy, hairs stellate; leaf blades usually lobed, all similar in shape, lobe margins usually crenate; c, n High Sierra Nevada, Cascades, California, sw Oregon. |
1 Sidalcea asprella (in part) |
+ |
Plants with caudex and rootstocks, not freely rooting, without rhizomes; stems usually erect, free-standing, proximally hairy, hairs reflexed, stiff, simple, sometimes also coarse, 2–3-rayed, stellate; leaf blades lobed, proximals shallowly incised, lobe margins crenate-dentate, distals deeply incised, lobe margins entire or 1–5-toothed; n inner North Coast Ranges, California. |
5 Sidalcea celata |