9. Wijkia H. A. Crum, Bryologist. 74: 170. 1971. • [For Roelof van der Wijk, 1895-1981, Dutch bryologist].
Wilfred B. Schofield
Plants small, yellow-green, dark green, or brownish, glossy. Stems 1-2 cm, not complanate-foliate, irregularly to regularly pinnate to 2-pinnate. Leaves closely imbricate to slightly spreading, ovate, ; margins serrulate; apex gradually acuminate, often abruptly piliferous; ecostate or costa double; alar cells elongate, inflated, pigmented, walls thin, region of 1-4 cells, middle lamella not apparent, supra-alar cells differentiated, ; laminal cells vermicular, smooth or 1-seriate multipapillose. Sexual condition dioicous or phyllodioicous. [Seta 1-2 cm. Capsule inclined to horizontal, ovoid to cylindric; exothecial cell walls not or slightly collenchymatous; operculum short- to long-rostrate or conic].
Species 25 (1 in the flora): British Columbia, Central America, South America, Asia (India, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan), Africa, Pacific Islands (New Zealand, Philippines), Australia.
Lower Taxon
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