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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 22 | Juncaceae | Juncus

34. Juncus macrophyllus Coville, University of California Publications in Botany. 1: 65. 1902.

Long-leaf rush

Juncus canaliculatus Engelmann, Bot. Gaz. 7: 6. 1882, not Liebmann 1850; J. longistylis Torrey var. scabratus Hermann

Herbs, perennial, tufted, 2--10 dm. Rhizomes poorly developed. Culms erect, nearly terete to slightly compressed, never rooting at nodes. Leaves: basal several, cauline 1--3; auricles rounded, 1--3 mm, apex acutish, membranous; blade pale green, basal blade striate, channeled, basal 1/2--1 times length of culm; cauline 8--15 cm x 1--3 mm. Inflorescences glomerules, 8--25, each with 3--5 flowers, open; primary bract much shorter than inflorescence. Flowers: tepals greenish with reddish or brown tinge, lanceolate, 5--6 mm, outer series shorter; stamens 6, filaments 0.5--1 mm, anthers 1.8--2.6 mm; style 0.5--1 mm. Capsules tan, 3-locular, obovoid, 3--4.5 mm, shorter than perianth. Seeds ovoid, 0.6 mm, not tailed.

Flowering and fruiting summer. Wet banks and meadows in chaparral and low mountains; 700--2600 m; Ariz., Calif., Nev.


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