12. Zigadenus vaginatus (Rydberg) J. F. Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. 53: 4. 1918.
Sheathed death camas
Anticlea vaginata Rydberg, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 39: 108. 1912
Plants 4–6 dm, from bulbs; bulbs not clumped, tunicate, narrowly ovoid, 3–6 × 1.5–3 cm. Stems with persistent leaf bases proximally. Leaves: proximal blades 25–40 cm × 5–12 mm. Inflorescences paniculate, 15–30-flowered, with 1–4 branches, 1.5–3 dm × 3–6 cm, proximal branches 7–8 cm. Flowers: perianth perigynous, rotate to rotate-campanulate, 10–15 mm diam.; tepals white, ovate, 3–6 × 3–4 mm, somewhat narrowed at base, apex broadly rounded; gland 1, obcordate, thick; pedicel ascending at anthesis, 1–1.5 cm, bracts often streaked with purple, ovate, 3–6 mm. Capsules narrowly conic, 7–8 mm. 2n = 32.
Flowering Aug. Wet sandstone ledges of canyons, “hanging garden” community; of conservation concern; 1100--1900 m; Colo., Utah.
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