8c. Triteleia ixioides subsp. cookii (Hoover) L. W. Lenz, Aliso. 8: 237. 1975.
Cook’s triteleia
Triteleia ixioides var. cookii Hoover, Pl. Life 1: 19, plate 2(left). 1955; Brodiaea lutea (Lindley) C. V. Morton var. cookii (Hoover) Munz
Leaves 1–2, 10–20 cm. Scape 20–25 cm, slightly scabrous. Flowers: perianth white to pale straw-colored, sometimes with darker midvein color extending into distal portion of tepal lobe, tube 6–10 mm, nearly equal to lobes, lobes strongly reflexed, 6–10 mm; short filaments 3 mm, long filaments 4 mm, apical appendages straight or slightly recurved; anthers white; pedicel 1–12 cm. 2n = 14, 28.
Flowering spring. Stream sides, wet ravines on serpentine, often near cypresses; 0--500 m; Calif.
Subspecies cookii is restricted to San Luis Obispo County and is recognized by its long pedicels and relatively long perianth tube in relation to the length of the perianth lobes.
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