198a. Carex scopulorum Holm var. scopulorum
Carex chimaphila T. Holm; C. scopulorum var. subconcoloroides Kelso; C. tolmiei Boott var. subsessilis L. H. Bailey
Culms 11–40 cm, glabrous on angles. Leaves: proximal sheaths brown, fronts with pale brown spots, veinless, with blades, glabrous; leaf blades 3–6 mm wide. Perigynia obovoid.
Fruiting Aug–Sep. Wet subalpine and alpine meadows; 3000–4500 m; Colo., Wyo.
A common sedge of the southern Rocky Mountains, Carex scopulorum var. scopulorum is distinguished from var. bracteosa by the glabrous stems and sheaths, and by the broader more obovoid perigynia.
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