61d. Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastwood subsp. insulicola (P. V. Wells) V. T. Parker, M. C. Vasey & J. E. Keeley, Madroño. 54: 152. 2007.
Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Lindley subsp. insulicola P. V. Wells, Madroño 19: 197. 1968
Twigs short-hairy (without longer hairs). Leaf blade surfaces tomentose abaxially. Immature inflorescence axes glabrous or hairy, sometimes glandular (not densely glandular-hairy). Ovaries densely hairy.
Flowering winter-early spring. Maritime chaparral on volcanic soils; of conservation concern; 100-500 m; Calif.
Subspecies insulicola is found only on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands.
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