11. Micranthes nudicaulis (D. Don) Gornall & H. Ohba, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas. 1: 1021. 2007.
Saxifraga nudicaulis D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13: 366. 1822
Plants solitary or in clusters, stoloniferous, rhizomatous. Leaves basal; petiole rounded, 0.5-3.5 cm, (base expanded, stipulelike); blade somewhat reniform, (± evenly lobed), 0.5-2.5 cm, ± fleshy, base cordate to truncate, margins entire, sparsely glandular-ciliate, surfaces glabrous. Inflorescences 5-20-flowered, branched cymes or flat-topped thyrses, 5-16 cm, sparsely purple-tipped stipitate-glandular. Flowers: sepals reflexed or, sometimes, spreading, triangular; petals white to cream (rarely pink), not spotted, broadly elliptic to ovate, short-clawed, 4-5 mm, longer than sepals; filaments linear, flattened; pistils connate 1/2+ their lengths; ovary superior, (to 1/3 adnate to hypanthium). Capsules dark purple-black, valvate. 2n = 40.
Flowering summer. Wet flushes, stream banks; 0-800 m; Alaska; e Asia (Russian Far East).
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