14. Micranthes unalaschcensis (Sternberg) Gornall & H. Ohba, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas. 1: 1022. 2007.
Saxifraga unalaschcensis Sternberg, Revis. Saxifrag., suppl. 2: 9. 1831; S. calycina Sternberg subsp. unalaschcensis (Sternberg) Hultén; S. davurica Willdenow var. unalaschcensis (Sternberg) Engler
Plants solitary or tufted, with bulbils on caudices or rhizomatous. Leaves basal; petiole flattened, 1-2 cm; blade broadly obovate to round, 1-3.5 cm, ± fleshy, base cuneate, margins distally toothed, sparsely ciliate, surfaces glabrous. Inflorescences 2-10-flowered, open thyrses, racemiform distally, sometimes solitary flowers, 3-15 cm, tangled-hairy. Flowers: sepals reflexed, ovate; petals white to cream or pinkish, not spotted, elliptic to oblong, ± clawed, 3.5-5 mm, longer than sepals; filaments linear, flattened; pistils connate 1/2+ their lengths; ovary at least 1/2 inferior. Capsules dark purple, valvate.
Flowering summer. Tundra, flushes, stream banks, slopes; 0-600 m; Alaska; e Asia (Russian Far East).
The ovaries and capsules of Micranthes unalaschensis are ovoid, thicker and plumper than those of M. calycina and M. razshivinii, which are conic (E. Hultén 1968).