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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 8 | Crassulaceae | Dudleya

1b. Dudleya virens (Rose) Moran subsp. insularis (Rose) Moran, Haseltonia. 3: 2. 1995.

Island green dudleya

Stylophyllum insulare Rose in N. L. Britton and J. N. Rose, New N. Amer. Crassul., 34. 1903; Dudleya insularis (Rose) P. H. Thomson

Caudices to 10 dm × 2-6(-8) cm. Rosette leaf blades whitish or sometimes green, triangular-lanceolate, 6-25 × 1-3 cm, surfaces usually farinose. Inflorescences: floral shoots 2-7 dm × 5-15 mm; cyme often ± cylindric; branches 1-3 times bifurcate; cincinni mostly 3-8-flowered, mostly 1-5 cm. Corollas 14-23 mm diam. 2n = 34.

Flowering spring. Cliffs and rocky slopes near sea; of conservation concern; 0-300 m; Calif.

Subspecies insularis grows only on Santa Catalina and San Nicolas islands and on the mainland on sea bluffs at the south base of San Pedro Hill--a former island now connected by the alluvial Los Angeles Plain but related to Santa Catalina and San Clemente islands directly to the south (W. S. T. Smith 1900).


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