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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 6 | Malvaceae | Sida

5a. Sida elliottii Torrey & A. Gray var. elliottii
[E F]

Sida inflexa Fernald; S. leptophylla Small

Herbs or subshrubs, 0.5–1 m. Leaf blades 3–8 cm, with or without purplish margins. Pedicels 0.5–2.5 cm. Flowers: calyx 6–10 mm, minutely stellate-hairy and hirsute at base and along ribs. Mericarps blunt to spinose apically, spines to 1 mm.

Flowering spring–fall. Disturbed sites, stream banks, grasslands, open, shrubby areas, preferring sandy soil; 0–300 m; Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., Mo., N.C., S.C., Tenn., Va.

Variety elliottii occurs generally north of 29°N latitude.


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