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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 3 | Ranunculaceae

16b.3. Delphinium subsect. Multiplex M. J. Warnock, Phytologia. 78: 81. 1995.

Roots 2-6-branched, (5-)10-40(-50) cm, twisted fibrous, dry to fleshy, thin threadlike segments apparent nearly entire length; buds more than 3 mm, sometimes present during dormant season. Stems 1-4(-8) per root, usually unbranched, rarely less than 60 cm, elongation delayed 1-3 weeks after leaf initiation; base usually not narrowed, firmly attached to root; proximal internodes much shorter than those of midstem. Leaves basal and cauline, largest near base of stem, others usually abruptly smaller on distal portion of stem; basal petioles ± spreading, cauline petioles ascending; basal leaves more rounded and with fewer, wider lobes than cauline leaves. Inflorescences usually 3-12 flowers per 5 cm, dense to open, cylindric, spurs sometimes intersecting rachis; pedicel ascending, usually less than 2 cm; if stems less than 60 cm, then pedicel remotely ascending (sigmoid); bracts usually markedly smaller and fewer lobed than leaves. Fruits erect. Seeds rectangular to crescent-shaped, 1.8-3 × 1.3-2.5 mm, not ringed at proximal end, wing-margined or not; seed coats with small irregular wavy ridges or ripples, cells elongate (more than 3 times longer than wide), cell margins straight.

Species 4 (4 in the flora): w United States.

1 Sepals yellowish green.   22 Delphinium viridescens
+ Sepals bluish or purplish (sometimes white, or lavender), not yellow or yellowish.   (2)
2 (1) Leaves usually absent from proximal 1/5 of stem at anthesis.   21 Delphinium multiplex
+ Leaves present on proximal 1/5 of stem at anthesis.   (3)
3 (2) Bracteoles less than 4mm; spurs 9–12 mm; pedicel 0.3–1.5(–2.5) cm; sepals white to light blue.   20 Delphinium inopinum
+ Bracteoles more than 4mm; spurs 11–22 mm; pedicel 1–4(–15) cm; sepals bluish purple.   19 Delphinium polycladon

Lower Taxa


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