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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 3 | Ranunculaceae

16b.4. Delphinium subsect. Subscaposa Ewan, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 63: 330. 1936.

Roots 3-8(-12)-branched at least 1 cm from stem attachment, (4-)10-30(-40) cm, fibrous, twisted, dry, thin threadlike segments apparent nearly entire length; buds minute. Stems 1(-3) per root, unbranched, elongation delayed 4-10 weeks after leaf initiation; base often narrowed, firmly attached to root; proximal internodes much shorter than those of midstem. Leaves basal and cauline, largest near base of stem, others often abruptly smaller on distal stem; basal petioles spreading, cauline petioles ascending; basal leaves more rounded and with fewer, wider lobes than cauline leaves. Inflorescences usually 4-8 flowers per 5 cm, ± open, cylindric to narrowly pyramidal, seldom less than 4 times longer than wide, spurs rarely intersecting rachis; pedicel spreading to ascending, usually less than 2 cm, rachis to midpedicel angle more than 30°; bracts markedly smaller, fewer lobed than leaves. Fruits erect. Seeds rectangular to crescent-shaped, 1.3-3.3 × 1.1-2.3 mm, not ringed on proximal end, ± wing-margined; seed coats usually lacking wavy ridges (present only in D . purpusii ), cells brick-shaped (less than 3 times longer than wide), cell margins undulate or straight.

Species 10+ (10 in the flora): North America, possibly others in Asia.

1 Yellowish gland-based hairs present (at least apically) on pedicel; sepals reflexed.   (2)
+ Yellowish gland-based hairs usually absent from pedicel; sepals spreading or reflexed.   (4)
2 (1) Sepals light blue to lavender.   32 Delphinium lineapetalum
+ Sepals rose to pinkish or yellow   (3)
3 (2) Sepals magenta to rose.   30 Delphinium purpusii
+ Sepals yellow.   31 Delphinium xantholeucum
4 (1) Cells of seed coat with undulate margins visible at 10×; mature fruits usually 3 or fewer times longer than wide.   (5)
+ Cells of seed coat with smooth margins visible at 10× (roughened in D.parryi); mature fruits usually more than 3 times longer than wide.   (7)
5 (4) Sepals rarely reflexed; stems more than (50-)60 cm.   29 Delphinium gypsophilum
+ Sepals (especially laterals) usually reflexed; stems less than 60(-100) cm.   (6)
6 (5) Lower petals white (contrasted with blue sepals).   26 Delphinium recurvatum
+ Lower petals blue or white to pink (same color as sepals).   25 Delphinium parishii
7 (4) Sepals strongly reflexed.   32 Delphinium lineapetalum
+ Sepals spreading or slightly reflexed, not strongly reflexed.   (8)
8 (7) Green leaves usually absent on proximal 1/5 of stem at anthesis; if present, then proximal portion of stem and/or petioles covered with short, arched hairs.   (9)
+ Green leaves usually present on proximal 1/5 of stem at anthesis; proximal portion of stem and petioles glabrous to nearly glabrous (straight hairs).   (10)
9 (8) Lobes of proximal leaves less than 5 mm wide, or plants from less than 10km inland or less than 400m elevation.   23 Delphinium parryi
+ Lobes of proximal leaves 5 mm or more wide, and plants from more than 10km inland and greater than 400m elevation.   (8)
10 (8) Leaves almost entirely on proximal 1/5 of stem at anthesis.   27 Delphinium scaposum
+ Leaves primarily cauline at anthesis.   (11)
11 (10) Lobes of proximal leaves less than 4 mm wide; lateral sepals spreading to reflexed.   24 Delphinium andersonii
+ Lobes of proximal leaves at least 4 mm wide; lateral sepals spreading.   28 Delphinium umbraculorum


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