1 |
Stems prostrate, undersides and uppersides differentiated; leaves conspicuously to slightly dimorphic; rhizophores throughout stem length. |
(2) |
+ |
Stems pendent, erect, ascending, or rarely prostrate, radially symmetric or undersides and uppersides slightly differentiated (if so, leaves decurrent as in S. densa complex); leaves not to rarely dimorphic; rhizophores throughout stem length or restricted to stem base. |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Underside and upperside leaves abruptly adnate to stem; leaves slightly dimorphic. |
(3) |
+ |
Underside leaves decurrent, upperside leaves abruptly adnate to stem; leaves strongly to moderately dimorphic. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Apex of leaves with white or whitish bristle 0.5--1.4 mm; marginal cilia white to whitish, strongly ascending; leaves green, usually with red spots or wholly reddish wine-colored; sporophylls ovate-deltate, short-attenuate toward apex. |
6 Selaginella hansenii |
+ |
Apex of leaves with yellowish bristle 0.2-- 0.5 mm or absent; marginal cilia transparent, spreading; leaves green, never reddish; sporophylls lanceolate, long-attenuate toward apex. |
5 Selaginella wrightii |
4 (2) |
Leaves with tortuous (twisted) bristle at tip, becoming acute to mucronate; upperside leaves lanceolate; plants forming dense mats. |
2 Selaginella eremophila |
+ |
Leaves acute to bristled, bristle straight; upperside leaves linear-lanceolate; plants forming rather loose mats. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Underside leaves lanceolate, widest at middle; leaf apex acute or with short and flattened bristle 0.1--0.3 mm (mostly at branch tips or buds); sporophylls acute to acuminate. |
3 Selaginella arizonica |
+ |
Underside leaves narrowly linear- lanceolate, widest at base; leaf apex with long round bristle 0.3--0.8 mm; sporophylls bristle-tipped. |
4 Selaginella peruviana |
6 (1) |
Plants epiphytic, seldom terrestrial; aerial stems long-pendent, usually forming festoonlike or overlapping mats; leaves loosely appressed; strobili 1--6 cm. |
20 Selaginella oregana |
+ |
Plants on rock or terrestrial, never epiphytic; aerial stems erect, ascending, long- to short- creeping, decumbent, radially symmetric or slightly differentiated, forming long- or short- spreading mats, cushionlike mats, or cespitose mats; leaves usually tightly appressed; strobili 0.2--4.5(--9) cm. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Aerial stems erect or ascending, sometimes decumbent or creeping; rhizome or rhizomatous stem present; budlike arrested branches usually present on rhizome or lowermost aerial stem. |
(8) |
+ |
Aerial stems creeping or decumbent, never erect, radially symmetric or lower stem and upper stem slightly differentiated; rhizome or rhizomatous stem absent; budlike arrested branches absent. |
(15) |
8 (7) |
Base of leaf abruptly adnate. |
(9) |
+ |
Base of leaf decurrent or long-decurrent. |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Leaf margins short-ciliate throughout, cilia 0.02--0.08 mm; leaf base cordate to almost peltate. |
7 Selaginella bigelovii |
+ |
Leaf margins long-ciliate at least at base, cilia 0.06--0.2 mm; leaf base rounded. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaf bristle 0.65--1.85 mm; marginal cilia long and spreading throughout, 0.1--0.2 mm; sporophylls strongly tapering toward apex. |
8 Selaginella rupincola |
+ |
Leaf bristle 0.3--0.46 mm; marginal cilia long and spreading at base, short to dentiform and ascending toward apex, 0.06--0.17 mm; sporophylls not strongly tapering. |
9 Selaginella ×neomexicana |
11 (8) |
Scalelike leaves on rhizome loosely appressed; stem leaves without hairs along abaxial groove. |
(12) |
+ |
Scalelike leaves on rhizome tightly appressed or rhizome absent; stem leaves with hairs along abaxial groove. |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Scalelike leaves on rhizome incurved; leaf apex bristle-tipped; sporophyll bristle-tipped. |
10 Selaginella weatherbiana |
+ |
Scalelike leaves on rhizome straight; leaf apex acute or obtuse; sporophyll apex acute to obtuse. |
11 Selaginella viridissima |
13 (11) |
Leaf bristle tortuous (twisted); leaf base glabrous; abaxial groove and ridges on leaf not prominent, often obscure; strobili 0.4--0.6 cm. |
12 Selaginella tortipila |
+ |
Leaf bristle straight, never twisted; leaf base pubescent; abaxial groove and ridges on leaf prominent; strobili (0.5--)1--3(--3.5) cm. |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Underground (rhizomatous) stem leaves scalelike; rhizophores mostly subterranean; sporophyll base glabrous; leaf and sporophyll apices glabrous. |
13 Selaginella arenicola |
+ |
Underground (rhizomatous) stem leaves not scalelike; rhizophores mostly aerial; sporophyll base pubescent; leaf and sporophyll apices often puberulent. |
14 Selaginella acanthonota |
15 (7) |
Leaves on main stem adnate to stem (distinct from stem in color), bases rounded or seldom slightly decurrent and cuneate (on underside leaves or in plants from wet places). |
(16) |
+ |
Leaves on main stem decurrent (not distinct from stem in color), bases cuneate or oblique (seldom adnate and rounded on upperside). |
(18) |
16 (15) |
Leaf apex abruptly short- to long- bristled, bristle puberulent or sometimes entire, (0.16--)0.2--0.46(-- 0.9) mm; leaves in whorls of 4; strobili often paired, 1--4.5(--9) cm. |
21 Selaginella wallacei |
+ |
Leaf apex blunt or acute to acuminate or seldom short-bristled, bristle if present entire, 0.03--0.45 mm; leaves in whorls of 3; strobili usually solitary, 0.2--3 cm. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaves tightly appressed, apex keeled, mucro or bristle if present 0.03--0.45 mm; stems radially symmetric; strobili (0.6--)1--3 cm. |
17 Selaginella mutica |
+ |
Leaves loosely appressed, apex plane, not bearing bristle; stems slightly structurally differentiated; strobili 0.2--0.4 cm. |
18 Selaginella cinerascens |
18 (15) |
Main stems with upperside and underside slightly differentiated; upperside and underside leaves unequal in size, bases decurrent and oblique (S. densa complex). |
(19) |
+ |
Main stems radially symmetric; leaves equal in size, if stem slightly differentiated then leaf bases decurrent and cuneate. |
(21) |
19 (19) |
Leaf apex bearing conspicuously puberulent bristle, (1--)1.25-- 1.9 mm; leaf margins usually long- ciliate, cilia 0.07--0.17(--0.2) mm; sporophyll margins entirely ciliate. 26. Selaginella densa |
(19) |
+ |
Leaf apex bearing slightly puberulent or entire bristle, 0.4-- 1.25 mm; leaf margins relatively short-ciliate, cilia 0.02--0.07(-- 0.15) mm; sporophyll margins short- ciliate or denticulate in parts. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Sporophylls deltate-ovate; apex keeled, strongly truncate in profile; bristle usually yellowish; margins short-ciliate to denticulate on distal 3/4. |
28 Selaginella standleyi |
+ |
Sporophylls ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate or seldom ovate; apex attenuate or slightly keeled, not truncate in profile; bristle usually whitish transparent, seldom yellowish (in old leaves); margins short-ciliate to denticulate on proximal 1/2, lacking cilia toward apex. |
27 Selaginella scopulorum |
21 (18) |
Leaves on main stems in alternate pseudowhorls of 5 or 6. |
(22) |
+ |
Leaves on main stem in alternate pseudowhorls of 4. |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Leaves on main stem in alternate pseudowhorls of 5; leaf base decurrent and cuneate on upperside; leaf apex truncate in profile; sporophyll apex truncate in profile. |
16 Selaginella sibirica |
+ |
Leaves on main stem in alternate pseudowhorls of 6; leaf base sometimes adnate and rounded on upperside; leaf apex attenuate in profile; sporophyll apex not truncate in profile. |
15 Selaginella rupestris |
23 (21) |
Lateral branches spreading, not ascending; stems forming festoonlike mats or rarely compact mats; dry stems not readily fragmenting; strobili sometimes paired. |
19 Selaginella underwoodii |
+ |
Lateral branches usually strongly ascending; stems forming compact cushionlike, usually rounded mats or less often loose mats; dry stems readily fragmenting or not; strobili solitary. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Leaf apex bearing bristle 0.5- -1.4 mm; leaf base pubescent; sporophyll base often pubescent. |
23 Selaginella asprella |
+ |
Leaf apex mucronate, blunt or acute, bearing bristle or mucro 0--0.6 mm; leaf base glabrous, seldom pubescent; sporophyll base always glabrous. |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Dry stems not readily fragmenting; lateral branches 1--3-forked; leaf apex strongly keeled. |
22 Selaginella watsonii |
+ |
Dry stems readily fragmenting; lateral branches 1-forked; leaf apex keeled, slightly attenuate or obtuse. |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Leaf apex bearing puberulent bristle 0.2-- 0.6 mm; leaves not in well-defined alternate pseudowhorls. |
24 Selaginella leucobryoides |
+ |
Leaf apex blunt, acute or only ending in very short entire bristle or mucro 0--0.4 mm; leaves in defined alternate pseudowhorls. |
25 Selaginella utahensis |