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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 26 | Liliaceae | Trillium

16a. Trillium subg. Trillium

Bract blades not mottled (except sometimes in T. ovatum). Flower pedicellate except subsessile or sessile in T. pusillum var. virginianum. Petals wide-spreading, white, reddish purple, or cream, sometimes with patterns of another color.

Species 15 (15 in the flora): North America.


Barksdale, L. 1938. The pedicellate species of Trillium found in the southern Appalachians. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 54: 271–296. Ihara, H. and K. Ihara. 1978. A biosystematic study on the pedicellate-flowered species of the North American Trillium. (1) Geographical distribution of major groups and their gynoecium norms. J. Geobot. 25: 139–172.


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