1. Roellobryon Ochyra, Polish Bot. J. 56: 119. 2011. • [Invalid genus name Roellia and Greek bryon, moss, to coin a valid name for the genus].
Roellia Kindberg, Gen. Eur. N.-Amer. Bryin., 37. 1897, not Roella Linnaeus 1753 [Campanulaceae]
Plants large, scattered individuals or open turfs, usually pale green. Leaves shrunken to imbricate or somewhat contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist; laminal cells 2-4:1. Seta yellowish, becoming red-brown with age, long, straight. Capsule brown; exothecial cells near mouth quadrate or short-rectangular, walls thick, often reddish, in 4 or 5 rows, proximal cells longer, long-rectangular, walls somewhat sinuate. Spores 10-18 µm, smooth to finely papillose, pale yellow-brown.
Species 1: w North America.
Lower Taxon
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