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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Anoectochilus Blume

開唇蘭( 金線蘭) 屬

LEOU, Chong-Sheng

Terrestrial herbs. Stem fleshy, creeping below, erect and leafy above. Leaves alternate, ovate, petiolate, oblique at base, dark green, with yellowish white venation, velvety above; petioles, conduplicate, forming sheaths at base. Inflorescence terminal, spicate. Flowers few, resupinate or not; sepals free, dorsal one smaller and forming a hood with petals, lateral ones spreading or appressing to base of lip; petals narrow, falcate, acuminate at apex; lip adnate to base of column, tripartite, hypochile forming a spur, spur exserted beyond base of lateral sepals, mesochile clawed, claw canaliculate, bearing entire or toothed or pectinate flanges, epichile dilated and bilobed, lobes wing-like; column short, erect or bent, with 2 big appendages on ventral side; anther 2-celled, sessile; pollinia 2, sectile, 2-partite, attached to elliptic tegula stipe; stigma 2, on lateral sides of column, near base of rostellum; rostellum erect or recurved, shallowly bifid at apex.

About 25species distributed in tropical Asia, Australia and Polynesia. Two species in Taiwan.


1 Lateral flanges of mesochile pectinate; spur unlobed, nearly rounded at apex, parallel to ovary; rostellum bent at apex.   Anoectochilus formosanus
+ Lateral flanges of mesochile entire or shallowly toothed; spur with forked acuminate apex, perpendicular to ovary; rostellum straight at apex.   Anoectochilus koshunensis

Lower Taxa

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