Arachnis Blume
Epiphytic herbs. Stems elongate, climbing. Leaves distichous, well spaced or rather closely arranged, coriaceous, linear, often retuse at apex, sheathing at base, sheaths closely clasping. Racemes lateral, peduncles long and slender, subascending or horizontal, sometimes branched, with many flowers. Flowers spreading; sepals and petals similar, narrow; lip adnate to base of column, movable, spurred, 3-lobed, lateral lobes erect, midlobe large, fleshy, spur saccate, conical; column without foot; anther terminal, opercular, with reduced partitions, pollinia 4, in 2 groups, each unequally divided into halves, attached by an ovate-triangular stipe to a broad viscidium; stigma entire.
About 10 species, Southern China, southeast Asia to Papua New Guinea and the Pacific islands. One species in Taiwan.