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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Collabium Blume


Terrestrial herbs with creeping rhizomes and ascending pseudobulbs bearing one leaf. Pseudobulbs cylindrical, fleshy, petiole-like, enclosed by tubular sheaths. Leaves solitary, broad, chartaceous, plicate, articulated with short petiole. Peduncle arising from rhizome or base of terminal pseudobulb, erect, enclosed by few sheaths at base. Flowers racemose; sepals subequal, narrow, lateral ones connate with foot of column forming spur-like mentum; petals often oblique, often narrower; lip articulate with mentum or foot of column, base narrowly clawed, usually 3-lobed from middle, lateral lobes erect, midlobe broad, slightly reflexed, disc usually keeled; column, slender, more or less winged at apex, without appendages on lateral sides, base produced into distinct foot; anther terminal, incumbent, 2-celled, cells hemispheric; pollinia 2, waxy, angular, attached to diffuse viscid matter, easily separated.

About ten species, from southern China and the Himalaya through Indonesia to New Guinea and Pacific Islands. Two species in Taiwan.


1 Leaves 5-10 cm long; peduncle producing from tip of long creeping rhizome; sepals and petals green but tinged with red toward the margin and apex, lip with serrulate lobes; column 1 mm wide in middle.   Collabium formosanum
+ Leaves 10-18 cm long; peduncle producing from base of pseudobulb; sepal and petals pale green, lip with nearly entire lobe; column 3 mm wide in middle.   Collabium chinense

Lower Taxa

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Flora of China  
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