Cremastra Lindl.
Terrestrial herbs with rhizome and underground pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs corm-like, with several internodes. Leaves 1-2, on top of pseudobulb, long petioled, oblong, plicate. Peduncle erect, arising from upper node of pseudobulb, loosely sheathed. Flowers few to many, racemose, slender, perianth not opening widely; sepals and petals long, narrow, connivent near base, spreading or recurved at apex; lip linear, connate with column at narrow slender and shallowly saccate base, free and 3-lobed at apex, spurless, disc usually with tongue-like appendage; column long, slender and straight, often dilated and winged at apex; anther terminal, opercular, with poorly developed cells; pollina 4, 2 superposed pairs, ovoid-pyriform, compressed, attached to broad viscidium; stigma entire; rostellum short or obscure.
About 2 species, Himalaya, northeast India, China, South Korea and Japan. One species in Taiwan.