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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Epipactis Zinn



Terrestrial erect herbs with short rhizomes. Leaves cauline, alternate, plicate, lower ones smaller, sheathing at base and embracing stem, upper ones larger, gradually reduced to sheathless bracts. Raceme terminal; bracts longer than flowers, leaf-like. Flowers usually pendulous; pedicel twisted; sepals and petals more or less spreading, ± similar, free, connivent; lip sessile at base of column, distinctly divided into hypochile and epichile through narrow joint, hypochile shallowly concave or saccate, strongly deflexed, epichile hinged to hypochile, cordate or triangular, contracted, with 2 calli at base; column semiterete; anther erect at apex of column, extending beyond rostellum, without distinct filament; pollinia 2, soft and mealy, 2-partite, without caudicle or viscidium; stigma broad, entire, semi-orbicular or more or less transversely oblong. Capsule spreading or pendulous.

About 20 species, temperate regions of Asia and Europe, a few species in North America. One species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxon

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