Galeola Lour.
Leafless saprophytes with thick subterranean rhizomes. Stems scapose, erect, stout, usually yellowish brown, remotely nodose, with scale at node. Inflorescences terminal and also lateral in axil of upper scales, racemose or paniculate, with more or less woolly tomentose rachis and flowers. Flowers, yellowish or brownish, fleshy and spongy in texture, with abscission layer between perianth and ovary; sepals and petals similar, free, more or less spreading; lip concave, sessile at base of column, base loosely embracing column; column short and stout, somewhat curved, dilated at apex; anther terminal, conical, with 2 protruding cells; pollinia 2, cleft, soft granular; stigma transversely broadened; rostellum short. Seeds with thick coat and irregularly erose wing.
Species ca. 10, Madagascar through tropical and subtropical Asia to Australia and Papua New Guinea. Two species in Taiwan.