Hylophila Lindl.
LEOU, Chong-Sheng
Terrestrial herbs with long creeping stolons and erect stems. Stems nodose, leafy. Leaves elliptic or ovate, often oblique, long petiolate, sheathing at base. Inflorescence terminal, racemose, with many densely arranged flowers. Flowers resupinate, perianth not widely spreading; dorsal sepal forming hood with petals; lateral sepals oblique, enclosing lip; lip almost closed sac bearing a terminal blade; column stout, with short horn-like appendage below stigma; anther on dorsal terminal side, rather long, acute; pollinia 2, each in 2-partite, with long caudicle attaching to viscidium; stigma convex, on ventral side of column; rostellum long, bent apically, deeply divided.
Six species, southeast Asia, from the Philippines southward to Papua New Guinea. One species in Taiwan.
Lower Taxon
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