Pachystoma Blume
Terrestrial herbs with underground fleshy tuberous rhizome bearing short stem and leaves. Leaves 1 or rarely 2, arising from rhizome after anthesis, linear plicate. Peduncle arising from rhizome, slender, with many long sheaths in lower part. Flowers racemose, more or less secund, perianth not spreading, often pendulous; bracts rather long, scarious; sepals subequal, often hirsute; petals narrower; lip adnate to foot of column, fleshy, 3-lobed, base with small semispherical sac, disc with longitudinal ridges; column slender, apex dilated, base with short foot connecting to sac of lip; anther terminal, incumbent, operculate, 8-celled; pollinia 8, laterally flattened, connected through short caudicles in superposed pairs; stigma entire, transversely slit-like.
About 5 species; India and China southward through Malaysia and Indonesia to Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. One species in Taiwan.