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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Pomatocalpa Breda


Epiphytic herbs. Stems short or elongate. Leaves more or less distichous, linear or falcate, obtuse or unequally 2-lobed at apex, articulated with short persistent sheath at base. Racemes axillary, short or long, densely flowered. Flowers usually not resupinate; sepals and petals subequal, free, spreading, lateral sepals sometimes adnate to basal portion of column; lip adnate to base of column, with a saccate spur at base, 3-lobed at opening, lateral lobes triangular, midlobe fleshy, broadly triangular, often curved downwards, spur more or less contracted at opening, thickened on front wall, with a tongue-like appendage projecting from back wall; column stout, without foot; anther terminal, operculate; pollinia in 2 groups, each divided into unequal halves, connected by a slender stipe to a small viscidium; stigma entire, concave; rostellum bifid.

About 35 species, from the Himalaya and Sri Lanka, through the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia to Samoa. One species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxon

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