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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Thelasis Blume


Epiphytic herbs with either 1- or 2-leaved pseudobulbs or short compressed stem bearing many leaves with equitant sheaths. Leaves oblong or linear-oblong, articulate or not. Peduncle arising from base of pseudobulb, or lateral on stem; raceme with many small flowers. Flowers not opening widely; dorsal sepal flat; lateral sepals strongly concave, keeled on back; petals narrow; lip sessile on base of column, ovate or oblong, usually unlobed, without spur; column largely reduced, without foot; anther erect, dorsal, elongate, 2- or 4-celled; pollinia 8, connected in 2 groups by long slender caudicle to an elongate viscidium.

About 20 species, southern China, India, Indochina and the Philippines through Indonesia to Papua New Guinea. One species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxon

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Flora of China  
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