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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Acanthephippium Blume


Terrestrial herbs; rhizome short. Pseudobulbs closely approximate, clavate or conical, with a few leaves near apex, nodes 1-3. Leaves convolute, plicate, petiolate, articulate. Racemes arising from base of pseudobulb, short and fleshy. Flowers few, perianth not widely spreading; pedicel thickened after anthesis; sepals cohering near base, tips recurved, free, lateral sepals much broader, adnate to foot of column, connate at inner sides forming an urceolate mentum; petals included in sepal tube, inserted on column foot, more or less spatulate; lip enclosed in mentum, stipitate at apex of column foot, mobile, 3lobed, lateral lobes erect, disc with a few longitudinal ridges; column with a long recurved foot; anther terminal, incumbent, mainly 2-celled; pollinia 8, waxy, cohering in 2 groups of 4 through a broad caudicle; stigma single, semiorbicular; rostellum short, ligulate.

About 10 species, Ceylon, the Himalaya, Indochina to the Ryukyus and the Philippines, southward to Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Two species in Taiwan.


1 Leaves usually solitary; pseudobulb less than 2 cm in diam.; flowers with reddish purple striations outside; lip with falcate lateral lobes larger than midlobe.   Acanthephippium striatum
+ Leaves 3 or 4, rarely 2; pseudobulb stout, ca. 2-4 cm in diam.; flowers without reddish purple striations outside; lip with oblong lateral lobes smaller than midlobe.   Acanthephippium sylhetense

Lower Taxa

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