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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Cheirostylis

Cheirostylis chinensis Rolfe, Ann. Bot. 9: 158. 1895; Henry, List Pl. Formosa. 92. 1896; Lin, Native Orch. Taiwan 2: 70. 1977.


  • Cheirostylis taiwanensis Yamam.

    Rhizomes creeping, up to 10 cm long, ascending and leafy above, erect leafy stem, 1-2 cm long. Leaves 2-5, congested, ovate to broadly ovate, 1-2.5 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, grayish green, acute at apex, rounded at base. Peduncle hairy, up to 20 cm long, pale green, with 2-3 scales, scales ovate-lan-ceolate, glabrous or hairy at base; raceme with 1-9 flowers; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, as long as ovary, glabrous or hairy at base. Flowers resupinate; ovary with glandular hairs, green; sepals connate for their half length, with glandular hairs, 4 mm long; petals falcate, white, 4 mm long, appressed to sepal tube; lip fan-shaped in outline, tripartite, hypochile concave, with 2 uniseriate lamellate papillae inside, mesochile claw-like, with hair-like cells on upper surface, epichile deeply bilobed, lobes 4-10-toothed at margins; column erect, 1.8-2.3 mm long; stylids parallel to and as long as rostellar arms; anther ovate, 1.5 mm long, pink at back; pollinia 2, oblong, 1.3 mm long, tapering, attached to tegula stipe; stigma 2, lateral, located between bases of rostellar arms and stylids; rostellum straight, 1.5 mm long, tegula stipe oblanceolate, 1.2 mm long; viscidium narrowly oblong, 1 mm long.

    NANTOU: Hoshe, Leou 3626; Sunlinksea, Leou 3801. KAOHSIUNG: Liukuei, Leou 3757a; Taoyuen, Su 8145. PINGTUNG: Hengchun, Su 7733; Lilungshan, Leou 3993.

    China, Hongkong and the Philippines. Taiwan, forests of low elevations in the center and south.


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