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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Cheirostylis

Cheirostylis inabai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4:108, f. 56. 1914; Lin, Native Orch. Taiwan 2: 76(f.) 1977; Liu & Su, Fl. Taiwan 5: 920. 1978.


  • Cheirostylis oligantha Masam. & Fukuy.

    Stems ascending from a short creeping rhizome, up to 15 cm tall, leafy upward, rhizome bearing prominent root-ridges at internodes. Leaves 5-7, well-spaced or upper ones slightly congested, ovate, pale green on both surfaces, 1-3.2 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide. Raceme terminal, subtended by 2-3 congested bracts; peduncle less than 1 cm long, hairy, with 1-3 flowers; bracts ovate, acuminate, pale green, glabrous. Flowers white, tube-like, glabrous; ovary glabrous, 1 cm long; sepals white, connate for 2/3 their length to form a swollen tube, 8-10 mm long; petals white, elongate-spatulate, 8-10 mm long; lip tripartite, 12-13 mm long, hypochile shallowly saccate, containing tufted papillae at base, mesochile concave, constricted toward epichile, epichile bilobed, basal part of blade with a pair of green spot, lobes 4-5-laciniate, lacinae 4-5 mm long; column erect, 5-6 mm long; stylids parallel and subequal in length to rostellum; anther 1.5 mm long, much shorter than rostellum; pollinia 2, ovoid-clavate, about 1.5 mm long, attached to tegula stipe; stigma 2, on base of rostellum; rostellar arms 4 mm long, tegula stipe narrowly lanceolate, 4 mm long, viscidium lanceolate, 3 mm long. Capsules fusiform-ellipsoid, 1.2-1.6 cm long, borne on peduncle lengthened after anthesis.

    HSINCHU: Kuanwu, Lin 176. TAICHUNG: Meifong, Leou 4133. NANTOU: Chitou, Leou 3209; Hoshe, Leou 3266. CHIAYI: Alishan, Su 8171. TAITUNG: Chaikualan, Leou 3722; Dousan, Su 8905.

    Endemic. In forest at elevations from 1,500 to 2,400 m, often found along the mountain ridges.


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