Dendrobium flaviflorum Hayata
Stems erect, terete, 40-80 cm tall, 4-6 mm in diam., usually covered with yellowish green sheaths, slightly slender toward base; internodes cylindrical, yellow, ca. 4 cm long, obscurely furrowed. Leaves alternate, distichous, narrowly oblong, 9-10 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, apex obtuse, more or less obliquely emarginate, base narrowed, slightly contracted, articulated with sheath, upper surface yellowish green, lustrous, lower surface pale green. Racemes lateral or subterminal, few-flowered, peduncle ca. 1 cm long, with tube-like spathe at base; bracts tube-like, embracing pedicel; pedicel and ovary 2-2.5 cm long, divaricate. Flowers golden yellow or orange, ca. 4 cm in diam.; sepals subequal, oblong, 20-24 mm long, ca. 8-12 mm wide, acute, lateral ones larger, oblique at base and adante to foot of column forming mentum ca. 4 mm long; petals obovate, 23-28 mm long, 15-17 mm wide, apex obtuse, attenuate, contracted at base; lip clawed, claw 6-8 mm long, 3 mm wide, adnate to foot of column and incumbent on it, lamina broadly rounded, 18-22 cm long, 23 mm wide, obscurely 3-lobed or unlobed, irregularly denticulate, short pubescent inside, glabrous outside; column 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, foot 4 mm long; anther elongate cup-like; pollinia linear-oblong, yellowish. Capsule fusiform, ca. 2.5 cm long.
TAIPEI: Wulai, Kawakami s. n. Apr 1915. ILAN: Nanhutashan, Su & Chen 7202. NANTOU: Chitou, Su 145. KAOSHIUNG: Chisan, Yamamoto & Mori 699. TAITUNG: Yamamoto & Mori 104. HUALIEN: Tailukuotashan, Sasaki s. n. Jun 1933.
China, India, the Himalaya and Myanmar. Taiwan, on slightly shaded or exposed top branches of broadleaved trees, 1,000-2,500 m, throughout.