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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Dendrobium

Dendrobium somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 6: 71. 1916; Liu & Su, Fl. Taiwan 5: 967. 1978.


Stems tufted, rigid, straight, terete, 60-80 cm long, 2-2.5 mm in diam., leafy in upper part; internodes 1-3 cm long, covered with sheaths. Leaves lanceolate-linear, 7-11 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, apex acuminate, base contracted, with 3 main veins, articulated with tube-like sheath. Cymes lateral, from upper internodes of leafy stem, 2-flowered; peduncle 4-6 mm long, with tube-like bract at base; pedicel and ovary 15-18 mm long, glabrous. Flowers subpatent, not resupinate, pale yellow, ca. 2 cm long; dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate, 15-18 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, acute, 7-nerved; lateral sepals as long as dorsal one, wider, oblique, base adnate to foot of column forming mentum 5 mm long; petals linear, 1517 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, 3-nerved, glabrous; lip ovate, 13 mm long, 7 mm wide, 3-lobed, lateral lobes erect, oblong-triangular, slightly oblique, glabrous, nearly entire, terminal lobe ovate, 6 mm long, 4 mm wide, margin curled or crisped, apex cuspidate-acuminate, reflexed, disc glabrous, with longitudinal orange keel near base, with 3 or more rows of warts near apex; column 3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, foot 5 mm long; anther 1 mm long; pollinia yellow, 0.8 mm long.

PINGTUNG: Luliaochi, Su et al. 6715*. TAITUNG: Hsinkangshan, Yamamoto s. n. Aug 1931. HUALIEN: Shincheng, Su s. n. Aug 1986.

Endemic, forests at low elevations in the east and south.


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