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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Dendrobium

Dendrobium tosaense Makino, Ill. Fl. Jap. pl. 46. 1891; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 19: 136. 1905.; Masam., Trop. Hort. 3: 33. 1933; Liu & Su, Fl. Taiwan 5: 967. 1978.


  • Dendrobium pere-fauriei Hayata
  • Dendrobium tosaense var. chingshuishanianum S. S. Ying
  • Dendrobium tosaense var. pere-fauriei (Hayata) Masam.

    Stems tufted, suberect or pendulous, terete, 25-50 cm long, 4-8 mm in diam., more or less slender toward base; internodes cylindrical, 2-4 cm long, usually covered with sheaths. Leaves oblong-lan-ceolate, 4-7 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, apex acute to subobtuse, base more or less oblique, 5-nerved, articulated with sheath. Racemes lateral, from upper nodes, 4-7 cm long, 4-8 flowered; peduncle less than 1 cm long; bracts linear-lanceolate, 4-6 mm long, acute; pedicel and ovary 15-30 mm long. Flowers greenish yellow, ca. 2-3 cm in diam.; dorsal sepal ovate-oblong, 12-17 mm long, 6 mm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base slightly contracted; lateral sepals obliquely triangular-oblong, 15-18 mm long, 10-12 mm wide, apex acute, base adnate to foot of column forming mentum ca. 1 cm long; petals oblong, 1316 mm long, 7 mm wide, apex acute, base cuneate; lip ascending, rhomboid, 15-17 mm long, 8-10 mm wide, apex obtuse apex, base cuneate, 3-lobed, lateral lobes erect, terminal lobe reflexed, disc more or less hirsute, with callus between lateral lobes, with few reddish lines in front of callus; column 3 mm long, with 2 purple spots apically, foot curved, 10 mm long, 3 mm wide, purple spotted inside; anther ovate-conic; pollinia oblong, 0.8 mm long.

    ILAN: Wushihpi, Su & Chen 9052; 9328. HUALIEN: Vicinity of Hualien, Faurie s. n. Jul 1915; Tenghsiung, Su s. n. May 1971. TAITUNG: Hsikangshan, Yamamoto 411; Linung, Segawa s. n. Apr 1933.

    China, Japan and the Ryukyus. Taiwan, eastern mountainous region at low elevations.


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