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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Gastrodia

Gastrodia fontinalis T. P. Lin, Native Orch. Taiwan. 3:129(f.). 1987.


Rhizomes tuberous, flexuous, worm-shaped, 2-4.5 cm long, 0.4-0.7 cm thick, rarely slender and terete, 0.2-0.3 cm thick, annulate. Stem 6-12 cm tall, 0.2-0.35 cm in diam., distantly noded and sheathed. Raceme densely 2-5-flowered; bracts up to 3.5 cm long. Flowers bell-shaped (somewhat funnel-form), yellowish brown, 1.5-1.8 cm across; pedicel and ovary to 1.5 cm long; sepals connate for 3/5 of their length at base, trilobed at apex, 15-17 mm long, verrucose outside, free lobes spreading, recrved; dorsal sepal obtuse and retuse at apex; petals attached to sepal tube, ovate or elliptic, obtuse or acute at apex, to 4 mm long; lip ovate to rhombic, unlobed, fleshy, 7-8 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, caudate at apex, clawed at base, entire or slightly lobed at margins, disc shallow concave, bearing 6-8 elevated ridges, ridge higher near apex, claw with 2 crest-like calli; column semicylindrical, ca. 8 mm long, laterally with narrow wings toward apex; column-foot prominent; anther somewhat orbicular, ca. 1 mm across; stigma near base of column; rostellum recurved. Capsules cylindrical, warty, dark brown, with an elongated pedicel up to 17 cm long.

TAIPEI: Pataoerhshan, Lin 435; Leou 6388.

Endemic, in bamboo forests at the northern part.


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