Gastrodia appendiculata C. S. Leou et N. J. Chung, Quart. J. Expt. Forest. Natl. Taiwan Univ. 5(4): 138, f. 2. 1990.
Rhizomes tuberous, fusiform, 2-4 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm thick, squamate, pilose. Stem 2-5 cm long, densely noded. Raceme less than 1 cm long, densely 2-10-flowered; bracts lanceolate, 3-4 mm long. Flowers somewhat campanulate, pale to dark brown, 0.9-1.2 cm across; pedicel and ovary 1.1-1.6 cm long; sepals connate at base, trilobed at apex, 8-11 mm long, verrucose outside, dorsal sepal connate 2/5 of it length with lateral sepals, obtuse and slightly retuse at apex, lateral sepals basally united for 1/5 of their length, obtuse at apex; petals included, broadly ovate, attached to sepal tube; lip ovate, concave, unlobed, fleshy, 7 mm long, 5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, shortly clawed at base, entire or irregularly toothed at margins, smooth at disc, with 2 semiellipsoid calli on claw; column clavate, 4-5 mm long, bearing lateral wings at apex and appendage at ventral side, appendage spatulate, as tall as column, forked and bent inward at apex; column-foot not prominent; anther about 1 mm long; stigma close to anther, embraced by column-wing and ventral appendage; rostellum absent. Capsules cylindrical, 3-4 cm long, erect on elongated pedicel, pedicel 25-45 cm long.
NANTOU: Chitou, Leou 4178; Tendee, Leou 4471.
Endemic, in forests and bamboo plantations at 800-1,200 m in the central part.