Prunus cerasoides D. Don, ; Prodr. Fl. Nep. 239 (Feb. 1825). Kitam. in F. & Fl. Nep. Him. 153 (1955). Liv. Him. Flow. t. 223 (1964). Banerji in Rec. B. Surv. Ind. 19(2): 41 (1966). H. Hara & H. Ohashi in Fl. E. Him. 125, f. 12, a & b (1966). Phot. Pl. E. Him. f. 17 & 64 (196.
पैयु Painyu
Cerasus phoshia Buch.-Ham. ex D. DonCerasus puddum Roxb. ex Wall.Maddenia pedicellata Hook. f.Prunus puddum Roxb. ex Brandis
West: PSW 5879 & 3841 (fr.). Cent.: Buch-Ham. s.n. (type of P. cerasoides); Wall. s.n. (type of P. puddum); SSW 8317. East: TI 6301913.
1300-2400 m; Himalaya (Punjab to Bhutan), S. Tibet, Assam, Burma, W. China.
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