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Russian Ornamental | Family List | Liliaceae | Scilla

Scilla siberica Haw.

Plants up to 15-20 cm. Bulbs dark brown, widely conical, 2-3 cm dam. Leaves 3-4, up to 10-15 cm x 1-2 cm, linear, sulcate above. Flower stem with 3-6 bright blue up to 2.5 cm diam. Flowers widely funnel-shaped. V - early spring (March, April) to mid-summer. Fl - April. Fr - June. P - by seed and daughter bulbs. In cultivation since 1796, widely naturalized in gardens and parks of Europe. Undemanding as to habitat. Z 3.

European part of Russia (southern regions), Caucasus and Turkey. In glades and among shrubs, in forests of low mountain zone.

S. monanthos C. Koch is related to S. siberica, but smaller in size.


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