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Campanula aucheri A. DC.

Mat-forming perennial with leaves crowded in rosettes, green throughout the year. Shoots loosely leafy, 10-15 cm. Flowers solitary, blue-violet, 3-4 cm long. V - starts early spring just after snow melting. Fl - mid spring (May in St. Petersburg) for 2-3 weeks. Fr - three weeks later. P - by seed, flower the year after sowing. A light sunny position and well-drained soil are required. Z 4.

Caucasus (central regions, Transcaucasus), Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia and northern Iran. In alpine belt on stabilized talus slopes and in rock crevices.

Other beautiful Caucasian species related to C. aucheri, include C. anomala Fom. (stems 10-15 cm, flowers 4-5 cm long, new to cultivation); C. bellidifolia Adams (stems 10-12 cm, flowers 3-4cm long); C. biebersteiniana Roem. et Schult. (stems 10-15 cm, flowers 3-4 cm long, new to cultivation); and C. saxifraga Bieb. (stems 10 cm, flowers 3-4 cm long). All species occur in the alpine zone and are well suited to the rock garden. Z (4) 5.


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