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Russian Ornamental | Family List | Liliaceae | Tulipa

Tulipa bifloriformis Vved.
[(subgenus Eriostemones)]

Plants 15-20 cm. Stem densely pubescent, anthocyanin-brown leaves in pairs, linear-lanceolate, sulcate. Flowers 1-5, stellate, white, outside brown-violet with cream margins, yellowish at the base. Filaments and anthers yellow. V - early spring to late spring. Fl - March. (in St. Petersburg April). Fr - June. Easily propagated by division. Does well in sunny places. Z 4 (3). New.

Central Asia (Pamiro Alay, western Tien Shan, and Syr-Darya River basin). Clay and stony slopes from foothills up to 2,400 m.

T. orthopoda Vved. is closely related to this species. Kazakstan.

Dwarf plants, only 5-7 cm. Good for rock garden and spring decoration. Z 5 (4). New.


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