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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Araliaceae

12. Brassaiopsis Decaisne & Planchon, Rev. Hort. (Paris), sér. 4. 3: 106. 1854.

罗伞属 luo san shu

Pseudobrassaiopsis R. N. Banerjee.

Trees or shrubs, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, armed or occasionally unarmed. Leaves simple and unlobed, palmately lobed, or palmately compound, margins entire or more often serrate; stipules united with petiole at base. Inflorescence a terminal panicle or raceme of umbels; bracts small or absent, often caducous. Pedicels not articulate below ovary. Calyx rim 5-toothed. Petals 5, valvate. Ovary 2(-5)-carpellate; styles as many as carpels, united into a persistent column. Fruit a drupe, globose to ellipsoid or obloid, sometimes slightly compressed laterally. Seeds 1 (by abortion) or 2(-5), endosperm ruminate or uniform.

About 45 species: S and SE Asia; 24 species (ten endemic) in S and SW China.

"Euaraliopsis" (Hutchinson, Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 80. 1967) belongs here but was not validly published because the apparent replaced synonym, "Araliopsis" (Kurz, Rep. Veg. Andaman Isl. 39. 1870, not Araliopsis Engler, 1896), was itself not validly published because Kurz merely cited "Araliopsis andamanica Kurz" in the synonymy of Brassaiopsis palmata (Roxburgh) Kurz. Consequently the following species names, which belong with the corresponding Brassaiopsis names below, are not validly published either: "E. ciliata," "E. dumicola," "E. fatsioides" (together with "E. palmipes"), "E. ferruginea" (together with "E. emeiensis"), "E. ficifolia," "E. hainla," "E. hispida," and "E. moumingensis."

1 Leaves palmately compound   (2)
+ Leaves simple, palmately lobed or divided, lobes (if present) joined at base by continuous tissue   (10)
2 (1) Inflorescence with 2-5 umbels, primary axis less than 15 cm   (3)
+ Inflorescence with more than 10 umbels, primary axis at least 30 cm   (6)
3 (2) Leaflets abaxially glaucous; ovary 3- or 4-carpellate.   21 B. kwangsiensis
+ Leaflets abaxially not glaucous; ovary 2-carpellate   (4)
4 (3) Leaflets 3(or 4); inflorescence terminal.   22 B. tripteris
+ Leaflets (3-)5-9; inflorescence axillary   (5)
5 (4) Leaflets narrowly lanceolate, 13-24 × 1.5-2.5 cm, sessile or subsessile (petiolules to 0.5 cm), adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 12-21 pairs.   23 B. angustifolia
+ Leaflets ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, 8-20 × 3-8 cm, petiolules 0.5-3.5 cm, adaxially sparsely shortly setose, secondary veins 6-8 pairs.   24 B. gracilis
6 (2) Petiolules stout, 2.5-5 mm in diam., leaflets densely brown to ferruginous stellate pubescent; inflorescence with short bristles.   16 B. chengkangensis
+ Petiolules slender, 1-1.5 mm in diam.; leaflets and inflorescence ferruginous tomentose or glabrescent   (7)
7 (6) Ovary (3 or)4- or 5-carpellate; inflorescence with persistent spiny bracts.   17 B. producta
+ Ovary 2-carpellate; inflorescence lacking spiny bracts   (8)
8 (7) Petiolules very short, to 1 cm; leaflets narrowly elliptic to linear.   18 B. shweliensis
+ Petiolules (1.5-)2-10 cm; leaflets oblong to ovate-elliptic or broadly linear   (9)
9 (8) Leaflets 15-35 × 6-15 cm, margin entire or sparsely serrulate; fruit didymo-globose or globose.   19 B. glomerulata
+ Leaflets 10-15 × 3.5-4.5 cm, margin sharply serrate; fruit ellipsoid-globose.   20 B. quercifolia
10 (1) Umbels generally 2-5(or 6) per inflorescence; branches generally without prickles; shrubs   (11)
+ Umbels (5 or)6 to many per inflorescence; branches prickly; trees or shrubs   (14)
11 (10) Inflorescence axillary; leaves deeply 3- or 4-lobed, lobes elliptic.   15 B. moumingensis
+ Inflorescence terminal (rarely also lateral); leaves entire or 2- or 3(-5)-lobed   (12)
12 (11) Leaves entire or 2- or 3(-5)-lobed, blade and lobes ovate-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate; inflorescence ferruginous pubescent (eventually glabrescent).   14 B. ferruginea
+ Leaves 3(-5)-lobed, inflorescence glabrous or bristly, lacking ferruginous pubescence   (13)
13 (12) Leaf base deeply cordate, margin weakly serrate, teeth triangular, 4-11 mm apart; inflorescence glabrous.   12 B. ficifolia
+ Leaf base truncate to very shallowly cordate, margin ciliate-serrulate, teeth linear, curved, spine-tipped, 2-4 mm apart; inflorescence bristly.   13 B. triloba
14 (10) Inflorescence unarmed   (15)
+ Inflorescence prickly (sometimes sparsely so)   (19)
15 (14) Leaves not divided or lobed, oblong-elliptic or elliptic.   7 B. simplicifolia
+ Leaves divided, 3-11-lobed   (16)
16 (15) Leaves 3-7-lobed, bases of lobes only slightly narrowed if at all   (17)
+ Leaves 7-11-lobed, bases of lobes distinctly narrowed (sometimes forming a pseudo-petiolule)   (18)
17 (16) Ovary 5-carpellate, leaves (5-)7-lobed; mature fruit 10.5-14 mm high.   10 B. grushvitzkyi
+ Ovary 2-carpellate, leaves 3-5-lobed; mature fruit 7-9 mm high.   11 B. stellata
18 (16) Pedicels slender, (8-)10-30 mm, bracts subtending flowers 1-2 mm, caducous; inflorescence terminal or pseudo-lateral.   8 B. fatsioides
+ Pedicels stout, 5-8(-12) mm, bracts subtending flowers 4-10 mm, stiff, persistent; inflorescence pseudo-lateral, borne on woody stems below leaves.   9 B. dumicola
19 (14) Lobes of leaves divided less than 1/2 way to base, broadly ovate-triangular to nearly rounded, at most 1.5 × as long as distance between sinuses.   1 B. hainla
+ Lobes divided at least 1/2 way to base, elliptic to ovate or obovate (often narrowly so), 2-3 × as long as distance between sinuses   (20)
20 (19) Inflorescence lateral, borne below leaves   (21)
+ Inflorescence terminal, borne above leaves   (22)
21 (20) Leaves 3-5-lobed, margins irregularly serrate, larger teeth 2-2.5 mm; primary axis of inflorescence not more than 35 cm.   5 B. tibetana
+ Leaves (5-)7-9(-11)-lobed, margins ciliate-serrulate, teeth 1-1.5 mm; primary axis of inflorescence (20-)30-150 cm.   6 B. ciliata
22 (20) Leaves 5-7-lobed.   2 B. pseudoficifolia
+ Leaves (5-)7-11-lobed   (23)
23 (22) Petiole sparsely prickly or unarmed; leaves papery to membranous, margins serrulate-ciliate, with 4-6 teeth per cm.   3 B. bodinieri
+ Petiole densely prickly, leaves subleathery, margins spinose-serrulate, with 2-3 teeth per cm.   4 B. hispida

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