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6. Calophyllum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 513. 1753.

红厚壳属 hong hou ke shu

Authors: Xi-wen Li, Jie Li & Peter Stevens

Apoterium Blume; Augia Loureiro.

Trees or shrubs, with clear [or milky or yellow] latex. Apical buds rarely abortive; buds lacking (or with) scales. Leaves opposite, petiolate [or rarely sessile], leathery, usually glabrous; secondary veins many, almost perpendicular to midvein, ± prominent above; tertiary venation absent; translucent glandular canals present between veins. Inflorescence cymose or thyrsiform, terminal or axillary. Flowers bisexual [or rarely unisexual]. Sepals and petals together 4-12 (usually 4 + 4 in Chinese species), 2- or 3-whorled, not always differentiated, outer (sepals) decussate, inner (petals) imbricate. Stamens many, not obviously fascicled; filaments scarcely united or all free, slender; anthers erect, basifixed; fasciclodes absent. Ovary 1-loculed, glabrous [tomentose], with a single erect ovule; style elongate, slender; stigma often peltate. Drupelike berry with thin exocarp ("skin"), thin fleshy mesocarp and thin endocarp sometimes adherent to seed. Seed 1, large, with thin [or thick] testa ("stone"); embryo with broad fleshy cotyledons.

About 187 species: tropical regions, mainly in Asia, but also in E Africa, tropical America, Madagascar, the Mascarenes, and Australasia; four species in China.

1 Inflorescences axillary only or also terminal on short axillary shoots; pedicels glabrous   (2)
+ Inflorescences terminal only or also axillary; pedicels puberulous or villous   (3)
2 (1) Leaf blade elliptic to obovate, apex rounded to emarginate, thickly leathery; petiole 10-25 mm; pedicels 15-40 mm; fruit globose, apex rounded.   1 C. inophyllum
+ Leaf blade oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex acute to caudate-acuminate, ± thinly leathery; petiole 6-10[-14] mm; pedicels 5-8 mm; fruit ovoid-cylindric, apex apiculate.   2 C. membranaceum
3 (1) Young shoots densely gray-puberulous, drying brown to blackish; leaf blade ovate to elliptic; fruit ovoid, 2.4-3.4 cm.   3 C. polyanthum
+ Young shoots almost glabrous, drying brown to yellowish; leaf blade elliptic or oblong-elliptic to obovate; fruit ovoid to subglobose, 1.1-1.8 cm.   4 C. blancoi

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