4. Centaurium Hill, Brit. Herb. 62. 1756.
白金花属 bai jin hua shu
Erythraea Borkhausen.
Annuals. Stems erect, obscurely 4angled. Leaves opposite. Cymes pseudodichotomous, sometimes spicate. Flowers [4 or] 5merous. Calyx lobed nearly to base. Corolla salverform, lobes shorter than tube. Stamens inserted at throat of corolla tube; filaments filiform, erect at first, helically coiled later; anthers dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary partly 2-locular. Style linear; stigma lobes orbicular. Capsules 2valved, many seeded. Seed coat alveolate.
40-50 species: worldwide except subsaharan Africa; two species in China.
1 |
Inflorescences spicate cymes; flowers sessile; calyx lobes 6-8 mm, apex obtuse |
1 Centaurium japonicum |
+ |
Inflorescences dichotomous or racemoid; flowers pedicellate; calyx lobes 2.5-3 mm, apex acuminate |
2 Centaurium pulchellum |
Lower Taxa
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