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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Blechnaceae

7. Chieniopteris Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 37. 1964.

崇澍蕨属 chong shu jue shu

Authors: Wang Faguo, Prof. Fuwu Xing & Masahiro Kato

Plants terrestrial, of small to moderate size. Rhizome long creeping, dark brown, apex covered with brown, lanceolate scales. Fronds distant, long stipitate; lamina simple, trifid, or deeply pinnatifid, thickly papery or subleathery, glabrous; pinnae (or lobes) 1-5 pairs, lanceolate, base slightly narrowed, apex acuminate, terminal pinna if present similar to but longer than lateral ones; veins anastomosing with 3 or 4 rows of areoles, marginal veins free. Sori oblong or linear, borne along costal and costular areoles; indusia facing toward costa, dark brown, linear-oblong, papery. Spores elliptic, perispore rugose, granular.

Two species: China, Japan, Vietnam; two species in China.

Chieniopteris is treated as a section of the genus Woodwardia by Cranfill and Kato (in Subhash Chandra and Mrittunjai Srivastava, eds., Pteridol. New Millennium, 25-48. 2003), which was followed by Christenhusz et al. (Phytotaxa 19: 27. 2011).

1 Lamina simple or imparipinnate with 1-4 pairs of lateral pinnae and longer terminal pinna.   1 C. harlandii
+ Lamina pinnatifid, with pinnatifid apex, lateral pinnae 5-7 pairs, ?lobed.   2 C. kempii

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